Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jon's Health Tips

Here's the latest report on why I avoid eating deep-fried food:

Eating deep-fried food = increased risk of prostate cancer

Regular consumption of deep-fried foods such as French fries, fried chicken and doughnuts is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer..
While previous studies have suggested that eating foods made with high-heat cooking methods, such as grilled meats, may increase the risk of prostate cancer, this is the first study to examine the addition of deep frying to the equation...
Men who reported eating French fries, fried chicken, fried fish and/or doughnuts at least once a week were at an increased risk of prostate cancer as compared to men who said they ate such foods less than once a month. In particular, men who ate one or more of these foods at least weekly had an increased risk of prostate cancer that ranged from 30 to 37 percent.

and eat a high fiber diet:

High Fiber Diet Prevents Prostate Cancer Progression

I need to move around even more at the office and at home, since I never go to a gym:

An active lifestyle approach, as opposed to structured exercise, may be just as beneficial in improving health outcomes, including preventing metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

I will continue to eat lots of these:

Eating bright-colored fruits and vegetables may prevent or delay ALS

Fruit and vegetable intake is associated with lower risk of breast cancer

More fruit and vegetables=calmer, happier, more energetic

Strawberries, blueberries may cut heart attack risk in women

Eating three or more servings of blueberries and strawberries per week may help women reduce their risk of a heart attack by as much as one-third, researchers reported (January, 2013) in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Somethings for me to look forward to?

Diet may not impact certain health outcomes in older persons

Eating diets high in sugar and fat may not affect the health outcomes of older adults ages 75 and up.

It's True: Medical Cannabis Provides Dramatic Relief for Sufferers of Chronic Ailments

Using marijuana from a farm called Tikkun Olam — a reference to the Jewish concept of healing the world — Klein and his fellow researchers tested the impact of the treatment on 19 residents of the Hadarim nursing home in Israel. The results, Klein says, have been outstanding. Not only did participants experience dramatic physical results, including healthy weight gain and the reduction of pain and tremors, but Hadarim staff saw an immediate improvement in the participants' moods and communication skills. The use of chronic medications was also significantly reduced, he reports.

More things for me to worry about:

Don't ignore the snore: Snoring may be early sign of future health risks

Snoring may put you at a greater risk than those who are overweight, smoke or have high cholesterol.

Regular Aspirin Use Linked to Increased Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

I wasn't happy about the threat of going blind so to reaffirm my resolve to continue taking aspirin I looked again at this summary:
Health Benefits of Aspirin

I avoid all soda and sweetened drinks:

Diet soda, sweetened drinks linked to depression risk

The risk appeared to be greater for people who drank diet than regular soda, diet than regular fruit punches and for diet than regular iced tea.

This is good news indeed - I will continue to drink red wine and white tea:

Red wine and green and white tea could give athletes and players a boost in the sports arena by increasing the amount of performance-enhancing hormone testosterone in their bodies.

More interesting reports:

Harms from breast cancer screening outweigh benefits

Which nutritional factors help preserve muscle mass in the elderly

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