Friday, May 24, 2013

Latest Heath Research

Click on links for more info:

I drink and take an antacid - so I should be OK:

Frequent heartburn was positively associated with cancers of the throat and vocal cord among nonsmokers and nondrinkers: antacids, but not prescription medications, had a protective effect

I never use cinnamon, but I'm good on chocolate, red wine, and blueberries:

Cinnamon's potential ability to prevent Alzheimer's

Two compounds found in cinnamon –– cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin –– are showing some promise in the effort to fight Alzheimer's disease. According to George and Graves, the compounds have been shown to prevent the development of the filamentous "tangles" found in the brain cells that characterize Alzheimer's. Epicatechin, which is also present in other foods, such as blueberries, chocolate, and red wine, has proven to be a powerful antioxidant.


Cinnamon and cinnamon-based products may be dangerous

“True," or Ceylon, cinnamon is expensive, so most breads, sticky buns and other products in the United States use dried cassia bark, or cassia cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon contains very little coumarin, a naturally occurring substance that has been linked to liver damage in people sensitive to the substance. However, cassia cinnamon can contain larger amounts.

I eat a fair amount of fish and take lots of fish oil supplements:

Fish oil supplements may help fight against Type 2 diabetes

Fish oil may stall effects of junk food on brain

Fish oil may help the heart beat mental stress

The omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil have long been thought to protect against cardiovascular disease—so much so that the American Heart Association currently recommends eating at least two servings of fish a week, particularly fatty varieties rich in omega 3s.

I’m sticking pretty close to a Mediterranean Diet with added mixed nuts and olive oil:

Mediterranean Diet Boosts Aging Brain

A Mediterranean diet with added extra virgin olive oil or mixed nuts seems to improve the brain power of older people better than advising them to follow a low-fat diet.A Mediterranean diet is characterized by the use of virgin olive oil as the main culinary fat; high consumption of fruits, nuts, vegetables and pulses; moderate to high consumption of fish and seafood; low consumption of dairy products and red meat; and moderate intake of red wine.

I ordered these supplements (from Amazon) as soon as I read this:

Compound in Mediterranean diet makes cancer cells 'mortal'

New research suggests that apigenin, a compound abundant in the Mediterranean diet, takes away cancer cells' "superpower" to escape death. Parsley, celery and chamomile tea are the most common sources of apigenin, but it is found in many fruits and vegetables.

Maybe I should order this too:

Common Food Supplement Fights Degenerative Brain Disorders

Widely available in pharmacies and health stores, phosphatidylserine is a natural food supplement produced from beef, oysters, and soy. Proven to improve cognition and slow memory loss, it's a popular treatment for older people experiencing memory impairment. Now researchers have discovered that the same supplement improves the functioning of genes involved in degenerative brain disorders, including Parkinson's disease and Familial Dysautonomia (FD). In FD, a rare genetic disorder that impacts the nervous system and appears almost exclusively in the Ashkenazi Jewish population

I am trying to drink more coffee:

Consuming Coffee = Lower Risk of Liver Disease

This is good news:

Candy consumption frequency not linked to obesity or heart disease

Working my way back to physical fitness after recent forced layoff:

Exercise Lowers Risk Of Lung And Colorectal Cancer Among Middle Aged Men

New research conducted by researchers at the University of Vermont reveals that middle-aged men who engage in a lot of cardiovascular exercise are at a reduced risk of suffering from lung and colorectal cancer. In addition, those who exercise are less likely to die from prostate cancer (although their risk of contracting the disease remained the same).

Men who were physically fit at the time they developed cancer had a much higher survival rate and lower risk of dying from the cancers compared to men who were not fit. In fact, a 1MET increase in fitness was associated with a 14 percent reduced risk of dying from the cancer, as well as a 23 percent reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Exercise has been shown to have huge beneficial effects on people diagnosed with cancer and it's also been found to help minimize the risk recurrence, or another cancer developing.

I’m a little less likely to put sunblock on my arms and legs after reading this:

Sunshine could benefit health and prolong life

Exposing skin to sunlight may help to reduce blood pressure, cut the risk of heart attack and stroke – and even prolong life, a study suggests. The findings suggest that exposure to sunlight improves health overall, because the benefits of reducing blood pressure far outweigh the risk of developing skin cancer.

I don’t eat much fat or carbs, except at dinner, but I do get sleepy midday

Study links diet with daytime sleepiness and alertness in healthy adult

A new study shows that higher fat consumption was associated with increased objective daytime sleepiness, while higher carbohydrate intake was associated with increased alertness. There was no relationship between protein consumption and sleepiness or alertness. These findings were independent of the subjects’ gender, age, and body mass index as well as the total amount of sleep they were getting and their total caloric intake.

Soy and tomato combo may be effective in preventing prostate cancer

Tomatoes and soy foods may be more effective in preventing prostate cancer when they are eaten together than when either is eaten alone, said a University of Illinois study.

I don’t Kava, but I’m not particularly worried about it:

Kava significantly reduces the symptoms of people suffering anxiety

Calcium supplements linked to longer lifespans in women

A healthy lifestyle can help reduce the effects of job stress on coronary artery disease

Eating peppers and tomatoes may reduce risk of developing Parkinson's

Pets may help reduce your risk of heart disease

Exercise-related changes in estrogen metabolism may lower breast cancer risk

Parents who suck on their infants' pacifiers may protect their children against developing allergy

Whole walnuts and their extracted oil improve cardiovascular disease risk

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